Varves of the Month for 3/1/2010 - 3/31/2010
Varves in the Don Valley, Toronto
This month's varves are from a brickyard exposure in the Don Valley in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The Don Valley Brick Works (link1, link2) is no longer active and is presently a park. The varves were photographed in 1980 by Jack Ridge while on a field trip led by Robert Stewart, then a graduate student at the University of Western Ontario. The varves are probably part of the Scarborough Fm. That was deposited in an early Wisconsinan glacial lake in the Lake Ontario Basin. This lake would have formed as the eastern outlet of the Ontario Basin was blocked by advancing ice in the St. Lawrence Valley.
Winter layers (the upper portions) of each varve are the dark gray units that show up very well in this image because the sediment was partially dry at the outcrop. Some of the well displayed features of the varves are the gradational contacts between the lighter summer layers and overlying winter layers and the laminated character of the summer layers. Also conspicuous is the ice-rafted debris composed almost exclusively of dark gray diamicton that appears to be lined up along laminations throughout the summer layers. This debris probably represents the release of fragments of basal till that adhered to icebergs during calving. The ice-rafted debris rarely occurs in the winter layers. The large till fragment on the left side of the image appears to have sunk into the winter layer below, depressing a thin light silt layer into the underlying darker winter bed.
Past Varves of the Month...
- 6/1/2008 - Connecticut Valley Varves at Canoe Brook, Dummerston, Vermont
- 4/27/2008 - Connecticut Valley Varves from Kelsey Ferguson Brickyard, Redland Brick Co., East Windsor, Connecticut.
- 7/1/2008 - Champlain Valley varves at Keesville, NY
- 8/1/2008 - Connecticut Valley Varves at Aldrich Brook, Westmoreland, New Hampshire
- 9/1/2008 - Connecticut Valley Varves, Perry Hill Basin (PHS), Charlestown, New Hampshire
- 10/1/2008 - Connecticut Valley Varves, Perry Hill Basin (PHN), Charlestown, New Hampshire.
- 11/1/2008 - Connecticut Valley Varves, Aldrich Brook site, Westmoreland, New Hampshire
- 12/1/2008 - Connecticut Valley Varves, Aldrich Brook site, Westmoreland, New Hampshire
- 1/1/2009 - Mine fire reclamation site, Olyphant, Pennsylvania
- 2/1/2009 - Connecticut Valley Varves, Perry Hill Basin (PHS), Charlestown, New Hampshire
- 3/1/2009 - Connecticut Valley Varves, Perry Hill Basin, Charlestown, New Hampshire
- 4/1/2009 - Connecticut Valley Varves, Perry Hill Basin, Charlestown, New Hampshire.
- 5/1/2009 - Connecticut Valley Varves, Perry Hill Basin, Charlestown, New Hampshire
- 6/1/2009 - Connecticut Valley Varves, Perry Hill Basin, Charlestown, New Hampshire
- 7/1/2009 - Connecticut Valley Varves, Perry Hill Basin, Charlestown, New Hampshire
- 8/1/2009 - Connecticut Valley Varves, Perry Hill Basin, Charlestown, New Hampshire
- 9/1/2009 - Connecticut Valley Varves, Perry Hill Basin, Charlestown, New Hampshire
- 10/1/2009 - Connecticut Valley Varves, Perry Hill Basin, Charlestown, New Hampshire
- 11/1/2009 - Connecticut Valley Varves, Perry Hill Basin, Charlestown, New Hampshire.
- 12/1/2009 - Connecticut Valley Varves, Perry Hill Basin, Charlestown, New Hampshire
- 1/1/2010 - Connecticut Valley Varves, Perry Hill Basin, Charlestown, New Hampshire
- 2/1/2010 - Varves along Starrucca Creek near Lanesboro, Pennsylvania
- 4/1/2010 - Varves along Sandy Stream, Dennistown Plantation near Jackman, Maine
- 5/3/2010 - Varves from Glacial Lake Great Falls in Montana
- 6/4/2010 - Varves from Charlestown, NH
- 7/1/2010 - Varves from Redlands Brick Co. (Kelsey Ferguson Brickyard, South Windsor, Connecticut) - A varve that Antevs missed
- 8/1/2010 - Varves from Glastonbury, Connecticut
- 9/1/2010 - Varves from North Hatfield, Massachusetts
- 10/1/2010 - Varves from Newbury, Vermont
- 11/1/2010 - Varves from Newbury, Vermont
- 12/1/2010 - Varves from Newbury, Vermont
- 2/1/2011 - Connecticut Valley Varves at North Hatfield, Massachusetts
- 3/1/2011 - Connecticut Valley Varves Kelsey Ferguson (Redlands Brick Co.), South Windsor, Connecticut
- 6/1/2011 - Connecticut Valley Varves: Core at Scantic, East Windsor, Connecticut
- 8/1/2011 - Varves of West Canada Creek Valley, western Mohawk Valley
- 10/1/2011 - Varves of West Canada Creek Valley, western Mohawk Valley collected in Newport, NY
- 12/1/2011 - Connecticut Valley Varves at Claremont Junction, NH
- 3/1/2012 - Connecticut Valley Varves at Westmoreland, NH
- 7/1/2012 - Connecticut Valley Varves at Rt. 12A drill site in North Charlestown, N.H.