NEVC Normal Curves of Antevs (1922, 1928)
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The data here is Ernst Antevs� (1922, 1928) original New England Varve Chronology (NEVC in NE varve years). The old NE numbering system was actually 2 numbering systems that did not have a known connection until the gap between them was closed in 2008. The original NEVC varve sequences were the Lower and Upper Connecticut Chronologies separated by the Claremont Gap.
In 2010 the NEVC was reformulated with a new numbering system, still beginning at varve year 2700 as with Antevs’ NEVC. The new chronology is called the North American Varve Chronology (NAVC) and is tabulated in AM varve years. If you want the most updated version of varve chronology in the northeastern U.S. go to the NAVC download. There is also a table and program available for converting single years between the two sequences at NEVC/NAVC conversion.
Individual varve sequences can be downloaded: 1) from the varve file menu or 2) from a map showing their geographic location (area from which varve sections were measured to produce the varve sequence). You also have the option of downloading a folder with all of the files. The downloadable data files are all ASCII text files as described in the menu below. For links to other varve sequences and records in the northeastern U.S. that were not part of Antevs (1922, 1928) original NEVC sequences go to Varve Data (NEVC, NAVC, and Others).
- Download by Filename
- Download from Map
All files are ASCII text files assembled with NE varve year (col. 1-5, five digit integer, right justified), 1 space (col. 6), and couplet thickness in centimeters (col. 7-13, floating point, 7 digits, three decimal places, decimal always in col. 10). All numbers sited in descriptions of data files below are NE varve years. NE varve years run from low number (older) to high number (younger). Right-click on any of the links in blue below and choose "save file as..." or " save link as..." to download the desired file. Those links that are named XXXXfolder are .zip archives which contain the associated text files. You must uncompress these files using 7zip (free), winzip (fee) or the integrated Windows or Mac decompression utilities.
Download ALL NEVC Data (~27 KB .zip archive)
All items below are links to individual NEVC data files, none more than 22 KB in file size.
Hudson Valley, NY
- HUD27-30.TXT 2700-2927, Newburg, NY, HARTFORD A1-A2 plots of Antevs (1928)
- HUD29-32.TXT 2900-3170, Newburg, NY, HARTFORD A2-A3 plots of Antevs (1928)
- HUD55-58.TXT 5501-5800, Hudson Valley, NY, NY 13-14 plots of Antevs (1922). Note: An error has been found in this varve sequence when it was matched to the varve record from a core in the Connecticut Valley at UMass Amherst (UMass core). Varves 5669-5678 are flood events in varve 5679 produced in one year by the release of water in the Mohawk Valley to the Hudson Valley and should not be counted as varves. For more information see NEVC Today.
Lower Connecticut Valley, CT, MA, southern NH and VT
- CON28-32.TXT 2868-3121, Conn. Valley, HARTFORD B2-B3 plots of Antevs (1928), missing 2892-2895
- CON30-39.TXT 3002-3870, Conn. Valley, CONN 1-5 plots of Antevs (1922) and corrections as HARTFORD C3 plot of Antevs (1928)
- MAS34-37.TXT 3450-3623, Conn. Valley, MA, MASS 3-4 plots of Antevs (1922)
- MAS37-53.TXT 3767-5222, Conn. Valley, MA, MASS 4-12 (lower graph) plots of Antevs (1922)
- MAS50-55.TXT 5084-5500, Conn. Valley, MA., MASS 11-13 (upper graph) plots of Antevs (1922)
- MAS52-56.TXT 5243-5510, Conn. Valley, MA., MASS 12-13 (lower graph) plots of Antevs (1922)
- LCA54-56.TXT 5438-5600, Conn. Valley, southern NH, NH 13 plot of Antevs (1922)
- LCB57-63.TXT 5713-6277, Conn. Valley, NH and VT, VT 14-15 and VT-NH 16-17 (lower graph) plots of Antevs (1922)
Ashuelot Valley, NH
- ASH58-59.TXT 5804-5879, Ashuelot Valley, Keene, NH, NH 15 (upper graph) plot of Antevs (1922)
Merrimack Valley, NH
- MER57-64.TXT 5709-5749, 5771-6352, Merrimack Valley, NH, NH 14-15 and NH-VT 16-17 (upper graph) plots of Antevs (1922)
Upper Connecticut Valley, Northern NH and VT
- UCB66-67.TXT 6601-6662, Conn. Valley, NH and VT, VT-NH 18 (lower graph) plot of Antevs (1922)
- UCA66-78.TXT 6642-6888, 6904-7750, Conn. and Passumpsic Valleys, NH and VT, VT-NH 18-21 plots of Antevs (1922) and VT 22-23 plots of Antevs (1928)
- UCC68-71.TXT 6858-7073, Conn. Valley, NH and VT, VT-NH 19-20 (upper graph) plots of Antevs (1922)
Winooski and Lamoille Valleys, VT
- WMP70-73.TXT 7059-7288, Winooski and Lamoille Valleys, Montpelier to Waterbury, VT, VT 20-21 plots of Antevs (1928)
The map below has links that allow you to download the individual varve sequences of the NEVC according to the location or section of a valley where varves were measured to create the sequence.

The timeline below has links that allow you to download the individual varve sequences of the NEVC according to age. The plot shows how the different sequences of the NEVC overlap in time.