Digital Varves

NAVC/NEVC Conversions

Below are tables and programs for converting varve years between the new North American Varve Chronology (NAVC, AM varve years) and the old New England Varve Chronology (NEVC, NE-LC or NE-UC varve years). The programs and tables can be downloaded here. The table comes in either an Excel spreadsheet or text file format. The program is available as both an executable file that works on Windows PCs and on Mac/UNIX (see instructions below).

Download Links

  1. NEAMCONV.exe – right-click to download executable program version for a Windows PC. It is downloaded as a .zip archive.

  2. NEAMCONV – right-click to download executable program version for a Mac OS/UNIX system. It will be downloaded as a .zip archive. Note: This program should be run in the Mac OS Terminal application (in the Utilities folder) or other UNIX terminal client. At the command prompt and within the program directory, type './NEAMCONV'.

  3. NE-AMconversiontable.xls – click to download Excel conversion table. The cells on this worksheet are locked. The password for unlocking the worksheet is given at the top of the NOTES column.

  4. NE-AMconversiontable.txt – click to download text file conversion table.